I tried to brew install crystal

My first attempt seemed like hung, I had to Ctrl-C my way out. Second attempt took 45 minutes.

I have a 7 years old MBP, it is fully functioning machine. In fact this is being written on that machine.

45 minutes+ seems like a lot

I used D2 for work today.

So far it was just a curiosity.

But there was an opportunity to use D2 when I had to document an important data flow at work.

With D2 Playground, it is much easier for my colleagues to use same simple format to update the diagram in future when needed.

Now this site has RSS enabled. For both posts and microposts

Next step : Auto post to Mastodon πŸ˜„

I wish you all a happy new year 2023!

May this year bring all the joy you want.

May you find the satisfaction in your work and happiness in your personal life!

I wish you find your peace of mind!

Earlier I thought that tldraw can not save as other image file formats. I was wrong.

There is indeed Export as option, and it works !

Earlier this evening, I attended live sermon delivered by BK Shivani didi

Feeling blessed!

Feeling lucky that I got opportunity to listen to her in person, I also saw her in person when she was walking away.

She is modern day saint.

No miracles, but the knowledge she spreads deserves recognition.

tldraw seems interesting.

Drawing program inside your browser.

While it does not have Save as functionality, it does have Print option which can be paired with Print to PDF

I can live it that.

Need to try out.

Sometimes it is said that notes are write-only i.e. No one reads them later πŸ€·β€β™‚

The same happened with me today.

I was looking for way to get only certain file from git stash

I asked ChatGPT with mixed results. (It provided correct answers, but more verbose. On asking, better explanation was provided, still..)

During such time, stackoverflow shines.

Even without going to SO site, the answer is included right on the search results.

I decided that since it was hard to find, it is worth adding it to PKM.

Turns out I already had it stored


That is why it is called write-only πŸ˜†

I came across fish like auto suggestions plugin for zsh. When I started to update that, I noticed that my oh-my-zsh is two years old (now that we are near the end of 2022, it is more like close to three)

So I uninstalled and reinstalled oh-my-zsh

But the prompt won’t look nice.

That is when I realized that starship is not hooked to zsh

and that starship is also due for an update (6 months)

So upgraded starship and then hooked it up to zsh

Now I can try the autosuggestions plugin. ☺️

I just used externalUrl feature of this theme. It is kinda cool.

Such post is indicated with a right arrow like β†’

The title of the blogpost itself is an external link. So when clicked, it does not open the post, but the external URL.

In order to open the post, either click the infinity symbol next to it, or the date (if on the yearly list page)