
Yesterday, after I came out of a shop, some elderly woman was begging. Near that shop, it is not uncommon. She did not look like a beggar. Yet she was. At first, I gave her Rs. 50 - which maybe more than what people usually give beggars (I think). I was surprised that she said I don’t want money, I want rice and daal (lentils) instead. I was positively surprised. Not many beggars ask for things.

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Working Offline

Today around 10am (or a bit earlier) we lost electricity at our house. Today is Thursday, and power loss isn’t surprising. As far as I remember, my city always had scheduled power loss on Thursday. This used to happen every week when I was growing up. So much so, that my engineering college had Thursday as a weekly off, due to this. Over the years, things improved, but Thursday remained the day when local electricity company would could schedule the maintenance task.

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