Bullshit Jobs

Bullshit Jobs are meaningless jobs. Jobs which if taken away, won’t matter to anyone (Maybe except to the person who is/was in that position) While responding to a listener question, DHH mentioned 1 that it is actually a book, based on a study of such jobs. He mentioned that BigTech TM hires talent so that their competition can not hire the same person, even if the hiring company does not really need the highly talented individual.

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Be Better Than You Were Yesterday

Few of the quotes from this1 interview, Danny Meyers On why someone is motivated (From sports) Likes to beat others 2 - Muhammad Ali Hates to lose - John McEnroe Beat own record - Usain Bolt Every day is an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday Perfection is stupid, receipe for unhappiness [paraphrased] Be a 51 percenter. Of total 100 “marks” - 49% are for the technical skills required for the job and other 51% are for “How did you make everyone else feel while doing it?

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CPR for Work

I came across this in the 1thing podcast 1 C-P-R stands for Communication, Planning and Resources Nick mentions that how we sort the laundry into separate drawers so that when we need, we can easiy find socks in their drawer, rather than looking for then in a pile of clothes. Similarly, at work if team members know where to look for something, it would save them time in the long run (even though it feels like it takes time to do that initially)

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MacOS Upgrade : The Conclusion

previously .. our protagonist made all the preparations, and yet his two attempts to upgrade the OS failed due to what seems like hardware failure. Will he succeed, or give up ? Let us find out in this thrilling conclusion aka Part 2 So in place upgrade did not work. I looked at my SSD. It was partitioned in two. One for OS and other for data. I do not remember if I did that when I tried to install linux on this machine.

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After Factory Resetting the Phone

(Read part 1 here) After the initial setup, I installed the apps that I use the most. I had taken backup of my Google Authenticator codes via a QR code, which I sent to myself. I was able to scan it back from my Desktop Telegram app and all was well. Restoring Microsoft Authenticator - also used for work - was not so easy. I couldn’t open an IT helpdesk ticket without logging into the Service Portal, which required me to be authenticated via MS Authenticator 😄

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Resetting Phone : Part 1

My Android phone started acting weird few months ago. Some apps started crashing. I started seeing .. app keeps closing 😞 Then Google Play services wouldn’t connect - even when phone was connected to the internet. I found out that uninstalling the updates (for Google Play) gets it working. But since phone was connected to the internet, it would “auto update” and would break again. It started getting worse last few days.

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Year 2022 Review

Blogging I started this blog in Dec 2021, and in year 2022 - I wrote 80+ posts and 8 microposts 🎉 Switched to theme that supports microposts Editor Tried Neovim for few months and went down the rabbit hole Till I found Helix - no/low configuration modal editor Started using Helix Editor exclusively for writing these posts. Still using Emacs for office work Recently I’m using VSCode for work 🤷‍♂ Art Seems like I drew only one sketch (Analog) this entire year 😱 Purchased a graphics tablet (No screen) Still getting used to drawing digitally Social Media Started using Mastodon Also Pixey Although I have not imported my Instagram posts yet Work/Programming Switched (back to) Zsh after using Fish for a couple of years.

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Yesterday, after I came out of a shop, some elderly woman was begging. Near that shop, it is not uncommon. She did not look like a beggar. Yet she was. At first, I gave her Rs. 50 - which maybe more than what people usually give beggars (I think). I was surprised that she said I don’t want money, I want rice and daal (lentils) instead. I was positively surprised. Not many beggars ask for things.

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Working Offline

Today around 10am (or a bit earlier) we lost electricity at our house. Today is Thursday, and power loss isn’t surprising. As far as I remember, my city always had scheduled power loss on Thursday. This used to happen every week when I was growing up. So much so, that my engineering college had Thursday as a weekly off, due to this. Over the years, things improved, but Thursday remained the day when local electricity company would could schedule the maintenance task.

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