Logseq : Take 2

I wrote about logseq almost two years ago and then I think when I switched job, I stopped using logseq. When I updated macOS, I forgot to install it, and forgot about it overall (I started using denote - in Emacs for some time) Recently when I started using obsidian while trying l learn more about it, I came across logseq again. I tried it again (after 2 years) I spent time learning basics (again)

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Obsidian.nvim plugin

After using vim keybindings inside Obsidian, I came across obsidian.nvim plugin that makes working with Obsidian from inside Neovim pleasurable. This is definitely better than vim keybindings in Obsidian 1 But I had not not used neovim in a long time. After I upgraded to Monterey, I had not installed neovim again. So getting it (as in neovim) was a bit of work. But I had my old config saved, so at least I didn’t have to start from the ground floor.

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Obsidian is not new to me. I come across it from time to time, but never paid much attention. That changed when I migrated my PKM site to use Obsidian-zola. Technically, it use Zola, and has nothing to do with Obsidian (for Publishing) The “source” is maintained in Obsidian, but it is just collection of markdown files, which can easily be maintained outside. But then I got Obsidian desktop installed. I used it for making minor edits to markdown files.

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→ Memos: A lightweight, self-hosted memo hub

I’m not sure what the main feature of this app.

Memos can be anything

Somewhere it says “Twitter like”, and it does have different visibility settings. Default being “Only visible to you”, but it can be changed.

It also has user management, so it may be useful for say family with 3-5 users, may be smaller start up 🤷‍♂

I think the best part is ability to self-host. Maybe on Rpi, or in house server (If considering for family)

For a small startup, cheap host may be better.

All the data is stored inside ~/.memos folder locally, which is mounted inside docker container.

Docker seems to be the only officially supported/documented/the easiest option to get started. They also have well written document for deploying to render (I might try it if I stay with it for a while - or not 😄)

Since all the data is stored in ~/.memos (in a SQLite DB, if it matters) it is very easy to migrate to different machine.

Currently, my real .memos folder resides inside Dropbox, and a symlink from ~ points to this real folder. So I can access/update the same data from two different machines (I tested it, it works)

Dynalist to Logseq

Almost a decade ago, I came across Workflowy. It is a simple outliner program. Think of a simple white paper of unlimited length, and digital. That is all it was. No other frills. One of its shortcomings was no mobile client. One could hack to get it working on mobile, but there was no app. Then I came across Dynalist. I used it for a long time. I have it installed on my mobile even today.

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I came across logseq long ago, of all the places on Dendron’s discord channel. It has other-projects channel just for this purpose. Logseq was still early back then (compared to Dendron at least). I tried, but did not like it. Plus Dendron was much better. Today, I came across Logseq again, when I was perusing my colleague’s twitter feed and noticed that he is using it. So I checked it again.

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