No One is (really) Evil

NSQ episode about evil led me to thinking about this. Takeaways from the episode Evil is attributed only to humans. If an animal attacks and kills human(s) we do not label the animal as Evil. Intentionality matters. Accidental killing/death does not mean Evil People do bad things because their brain is not “well” Amigdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for fear and morality. Should bad people be locked away longer (cause they may be threat to the society) Phil zimbardo prison experiment Bad barrel (Vs Bad Apple) People become evil due to surrounding 1 Stanley Milgram Experiment People are OK doing bad things if They are in position of power and Are told by their superiors to “punish” others 2 out of 3 volunteers shocked the (the actors playing) students upon giving wrong answers, because they were “instructed” to do so 2 My thoughts Only movies/TV has pure evil person In good movie/TV, they have some explanation about why the person become “evil” When people do bad things to you, do not hate them Consider some of the points above.

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Importance of Making Things

On the knowledge project podcast, Shane parrish interviewed Kevin Kelly The link above has good high level overview with timestamps. Definitely check it out. One thing that is not covered in the timestamps (hence I can’t link to the exact conversation) is about Importance of making things 1 Kevin says something to the effect of, don’t stop making things (that you care about) just because they are not the greatest or the best.

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Homework for Life

In One percent better podcast 1, Joe interviews Matthew Dicks Matthew explains the Homework for Life 2 as (paraphrased) At the end of each day, write down important “stories” (not memories) of the day. Else life passes by, and we don’t remember what you did 12 years from today. (Cause all days look the same in past) He is a teacher. He asks his students to narrate stories (on a Monday, start of the school) He mentions that 10-year olds can come up with excellent stories.

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Be Better Than You Were Yesterday

Few of the quotes from this1 interview, Danny Meyers On why someone is motivated (From sports) Likes to beat others 2 - Muhammad Ali Hates to lose - John McEnroe Beat own record - Usain Bolt Every day is an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday Perfection is stupid, receipe for unhappiness [paraphrased] Be a 51 percenter. Of total 100 “marks” - 49% are for the technical skills required for the job and other 51% are for “How did you make everyone else feel while doing it?

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CPR for Work

I came across this in the 1thing podcast 1 C-P-R stands for Communication, Planning and Resources Nick mentions that how we sort the laundry into separate drawers so that when we need, we can easiy find socks in their drawer, rather than looking for then in a pile of clothes. Similarly, at work if team members know where to look for something, it would save them time in the long run (even though it feels like it takes time to do that initially)

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Interruption is the Enemy of Productivity

Yesterday, I listened to the episode of rework podcast, titled Interruption is the Enemy of Productivity 😄 The link has full transcript of the episode, or listen via your favourite podcast app. Some quotes (edited little to make sense) from the episodes : people know that the time they get the real “work done” is when they don’t have the interruptions. If that time only exists outside of work, that is where they will find it.

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