CPR for Work

I came across this in the 1thing podcast 1 C-P-R stands for Communication, Planning and Resources Nick mentions that how we sort the laundry into separate drawers so that when we need, we can easiy find socks in their drawer, rather than looking for then in a pile of clothes. Similarly, at work if team members know where to look for something, it would save them time in the long run (even though it feels like it takes time to do that initially)

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Interruption is the Enemy of Productivity

Yesterday, I listened to the episode of rework podcast, titled Interruption is the Enemy of Productivity 😄 The link has full transcript of the episode, or listen via your favourite podcast app. Some quotes (edited little to make sense) from the episodes : people know that the time they get the real “work done” is when they don’t have the interruptions. If that time only exists outside of work, that is where they will find it.

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