.NET Package Management

I recently started writing C# code at work. While I can read and understand the sample code (and modify partially per my requirement) I still trip up by new-ness (to me) of the ecosystem. So while I intuitively understand that using is equivalent of require in Ruby (or import in python), I didn’t know which ones are “standard library” and which ones are not. The sample code worked with standard library, but writing to Azure Service bus requires external library.

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Language Before Framework

Several years ago, I came across a quote1 about how learning python via Django. The author said that if you don’t properly know python, you may not understand what is Django specific and what is not. FWIW, even after working with python, I never used Django in any of my main project. But I did learn python first before the frameworks. Fast forward to few days ago. I am working on Ruby code to read from Azure Service Bus.

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