Interesting Netlify Build Problem

After build problems with my PKM site, today I ran into another problem with this site. What puzzled me was Deploy showed Build step failing but no useful error (other than exit code 2 - which does not help much) But in the process of debugging, I learnt 1 about the environment variable NETLIFY_BUILD_DEBUG (set to true when needed) It did not help 😞 I also upgraded hugo version (which is another environment variable) in the process.

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Install LetsEncrypt certificate

Today I installed LetsEncrypt certificate on one of the production server. I can not believe it is so simple to secure a website running on an Ubuntu server sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx sudo certbot --nginx -d -d It even configures nginx (or apache) server for you. To manually renew run the following: certbot renew --quiet But you don’t have to, cause certbot is so awesome that it automatically adds an entry into crontab so that certbot runs twice daily.

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Configure `rsyslog`

Today, I configured rsyslog on Ubuntu server to collect logs from remote application server. syslog using UDP seems straight forward, but I wanted to set up using TCP (TCP being more reliable and all) At first, it did not work because I needed to tell SysLogHandler that we are using TCP using SOCK_STREAM as optional param. (Default is UDP) So in a standalone test script, remote logging worked. Turns out because of how TCP works, the logs are not flushed to the remote server till the application server closes the socket connection.

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