Insert timestamp anywhere using Espanso

I wrote about Espanso long time ago. I have been using Espanso since then. Recently, I had a need to add timestamp in a note. Espanso already comes with a trigger to insert date via :date. As the name suggest, it just inserts the date. So I added the following to the match/base.yml file. - trigger: ":timestamp" replace: "{{timestamp}}" vars: - name: timestamp type: date params: format: "%b %d, %Y %I:%M%p" As might be obvious, now I get timestamp just by typing :timestamp anywhere.

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→ Stashpad

I came across stashpad during this Stackoverflow podcast.

What caught my attention was when Cara mentioned

Everyone has untitled.txt open that they use every day

That is me!! 😆

It is really easy. Cmd + N to create a new empty file, and start typing. I use BBEdit for this. I’ve seen my colleagues use Sublime text I have also used Sublime text for exactly that and only that purpose for a long time, since it saves these unnamed files across reboots/application restarts. One less headache. I don’t have to think of what to name the file, where to save it, format (this is easy, I’ll just save it as .txt or .md)

Later I came across BBEdit, which does exactly same, so I switched. My workflow did not change.

Stashpad promises to make the same workflow better.

I have just installed it, and haven’t used it yet.

Ironically, I started typing my thoughts about Stashpad as a Stashpad note, with intention that I’ll copy this into a blog post “later”. But decided that why not directly write it as a blog ? 😆

Emacs: How to exclude files when searching in a project

I use SPC / a lot to find stuff inside a project. Since starting on Ruby project, a lot of my search results, specifically the first ones are inside the spec file (which is test case in Ruby) I may want those instances as well, but more often than not, I prefer the search results in the source code before test cases. The project is huge, and I have to scroll a lot before I see non-spec code, which becomes tiresome.

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Helix Open File on Side

When I am working on a project, it is highly likely that I would open other files from that project. In order to do that, in Helix I would do SPC F. This opens up file picker for that workspace. I can then either navigate using arrow keys, or most likely start typing the name of the file and the file will be highlighted. As a side benefit, the file is shown on the right pane as a preview.

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Vim Keybindings for Helix

Helix is a great editor. I’m trying it more and more these days (Like this post is edited in helix) While shift from action->object to object->action in itself is big change (muscle memory), there are indeed other differences as well. Luckily, it is easy to add keybindings to helix. Turns out someone took this too far, and created a lot of keybindings to make helix more like Vim Refer to this for the entire config.

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Helix New Release (and how to go to the last line in a file)

Noticed that new version 22.08.1 of helix is now available. See this Upgrade via your preferred package manager. After the upgrade, used hx after a long time. I also signed up for the matrix channel. Turns out that is where all the action is. I’m member of (almost-dead-but-not-quite) Telegram group for a while. But matrix channel seems active. I got immediate reply to my query. Nice! My query was : How do I go to the last line of the buffer ?

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Back to Emacs

If you are reading my posts, you would have realized that I had switched to nvim and went down the rabbit hole with different configurations etc. I think I got it to a stable state, and then I stopped tinkering. But when I recently started coding again in Ruby, I realized that nvim is good as an editor, but at least I was not able to configure it as IDE. It has all the right tools (lsp, syntax highlighting, packages) yet something didn’t work 😞

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I had written about Telekasten earlier, but in the context that I was unable to get it working with NVChad. But I must confess, I almost forgot about it. I should use it daily (as intended) to capture things I’m doing, where am I blocked, what unblocked me, make it as part of my daily workflow. I have seen my colleague keeping a simple daily.txt file open in Sublime, and it works for them (I hope)

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I had installed Wezterm long time ago. I think when I started looking for alternatives to Alacritty. But I settled on kitty (I think I could not get wezterm to work) Few days ago, I stumbled upon it again, and I wanted to give it a try. So these days, I’m using wezterm as terminal. I specifically liked the built-in multiplexing feature. I haven’t tried it yet 🤷‍

Enable Syntax based Fold in Neovim

When working on large(ish) code files, sometimes it is easier to fold rest of the code from that file and focus on one “block” at a time. I use the word “block” because based on the context, it means different things. It could be as big as a class (if the file contains multiple classes) or as small as a if-else block. But this functionality is not always turned on.

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