Kinto : Mac Keyboard layout on Linux

After using Apple laptop for nearly 10 years, I have gotten used to Apple’s shortcuts where most places use Cmd instead of Ctrl After switching to Linux, initially I fumbled. Then I had to be alert, which I did most of the times, but when in the zone, I would still do Cmd+c to copy, and when pasted would be disappaointed that it did not work 😄 Then I came across kinto

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Installing Espanso on openSUSE

After the basic setup was done (I made a list of tools to be installed on line before I installed Linux itself), I wanted Espanso While Espanso is well supported on X11, for wayland, it needs to be compiled from the source I ran into this issue but solution was found in the same issue. While install went through, I ran into issues related to capability grant. Following worked: sudo zypper install libcap-progs sudo setcap "cap_dac_override+p" $(which espanso) espanso start --unmanaged I also needed to add the following to config/default.

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Installed openSUSE on Macbook Pro (Intel)

My Macbook Pro (early 2015) isn’t getting any OS updates for some time. Only version it supports is Monterey (which is already couple major versions behind the latest) brew has also started complaining as This version is not supported So I’ve been considering installing linux on it for some time anyway. I finally pulled the trigger and installed openSUSE Tumbleweed I had tried the live version, and knew and it generally works.

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Install LetsEncrypt certificate

Today I installed LetsEncrypt certificate on one of the production server. I can not believe it is so simple to secure a website running on an Ubuntu server sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx sudo certbot --nginx -d -d It even configures nginx (or apache) server for you. To manually renew run the following: certbot renew --quiet But you don’t have to, cause certbot is so awesome that it automatically adds an entry into crontab so that certbot runs twice daily.

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Configure `rsyslog`

Today, I configured rsyslog on Ubuntu server to collect logs from remote application server. syslog using UDP seems straight forward, but I wanted to set up using TCP (TCP being more reliable and all) At first, it did not work because I needed to tell SysLogHandler that we are using TCP using SOCK_STREAM as optional param. (Default is UDP) So in a standalone test script, remote logging worked. Turns out because of how TCP works, the logs are not flushed to the remote server till the application server closes the socket connection.

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