Back to Doom : For work

I updated Minemacs few days ago, and it broke magit 😱 1 I had suspected that it is not problem with Minemacs But I can’t have magit broken, so on my work machine I switched (back) to Doom FWIW, the issue is already fixed on Doom 2 This time I noticed doom now installs itself under ~/.config/emacs rather than ~/.emacs.d I also updated my init.el and config.el Now that I’m back, all my muscle memory started kicking in.

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NANO Minemacs

In my earlier post I had mentioned that I might try combining NANO emacs features with Minemacs - which is my current Emacs setup. NANO emacs README has instructions for manual install which is what I ended up doing. There is a separate repo just for the NANO theme, but somehow it did not work for me. Instead, cloning the NANO emacs repo, and adding “just enough"™️ configuration to Minemacs worked for me.

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→ Nano Emacs

NANO emacs looks quite amazing, polished. Unfortunately, evil-mode is not turned ON by default.

One thing I’m going to try is to combine NANO theme (and some related packages) with Minemacs.

Minemacs has evil mode and keybindings which are close to Doom and I had no problem switching to it.

NANO emacs README has instructions on how to install just the theme and other parts, so that might do the trick.


Org Roam

Since I started using minemacs few days ago, I discovered some new things like org-roam As you might know, it is implementation of concepts from Roam research in org-mode (That may not be accurate description, but close enough) I had tried org-mode long time ago, when I moved from vi/m to Emacs. But later, as I wanted to share (publish) my notes, I settled on markdown format. (Yes, I’m aware that org-mode allows publishing notes, but for now I prefer native markdown files) Yet, org seems useful for personal notes since it is integrated within Emacs.

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→ Minemacs

I came across this new starter configuration, described as “Minimal Emacs config for daily use” via Sacha Chua’s Weekly Emacs Newsletter 1 If you are Emacs user, you should subscribe. You don’t have to share your email unless you want to. She shares the links on Mastodon2 (and other social apps)

Back to Minemacs 😄

It supports emacs versions 28.2 and above (But I got it working with 28.13)

It is kinda refreshing. Doom Emacs is quite solid, and I’ve tweaked it to my liking over the years, but wanted to try something new.

The developer is very responsive.

I also discovered org-roam by perusing through source code. (Hopefully another post about org-roam soon)

I think you should give it a try.

Emacs D2 Mode

It was only a matter of time before there was Emacs mode for D2 😆 and here it is. I’m yet to try it though.

Emacs Mode in Shell

I have been using Emacs for several years now. But I switched to (and stayed with) Emacs only because of evil mode. I had been vi user for decades before that. Even today, I use (Neo)vi(m) occasionally. Right now, I’m writing this in Helix editor, which is lot closer to modal editing of vi, than of Emacs. So there. I am aware that various shell support vi mode, but the default is Emacs.

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Mindmaps in Emacs

I have been using Emacs for about 4+ years now, and I still find new things. One of the thing I discovered this week is ability to create mindmaps without leaving the comfort of Emacs 😄 This is made possible via PlantUML. Doom emacs makes it very easy to set it up. Enable plantuml in the init.el of your doom emacs config. M-x doom/reload (This will install the appropriate packages) M-x plantuml-download-jar (Make sure you have working java installation) doom/open-scratch-buffer org-mode (Not sure if this is needed, but better be explicit) Now create following in your scratch buffer that is already in plantuml mode.

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Emacs: How to exclude files when searching in a project

I use SPC / a lot to find stuff inside a project. Since starting on Ruby project, a lot of my search results, specifically the first ones are inside the spec file (which is test case in Ruby) I may want those instances as well, but more often than not, I prefer the search results in the source code before test cases. The project is huge, and I have to scroll a lot before I see non-spec code, which becomes tiresome.

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Back to Emacs

If you are reading my posts, you would have realized that I had switched to nvim and went down the rabbit hole with different configurations etc. I think I got it to a stable state, and then I stopped tinkering. But when I recently started coding again in Ruby, I realized that nvim is good as an editor, but at least I was not able to configure it as IDE. It has all the right tools (lsp, syntax highlighting, packages) yet something didn’t work 😞

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