Fish function to read webpage in Terminal

I’m really digging reading web posts in the terminal. After using it for some time, I realized that typing same arguments after the URL (That I usually copied to the clipboard from some other place) is getting cumbersome. So I created a fish function out of it (If you see yourself doing the same task over and over, it is a good place to automated it) Here is the simple function

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I could not believe myself, that I finally created an IRC account. Lot of people have asked how come I am not on IRC. They told me that we get to interact with smart people on IRC, including creators of great software, libraries, framework. But for some reason, I resisted. It felt complex, compared to modern communities like Telegram, Discord etc. Today someone suggested it again on the Doom Emacs Telegram channel, and this time I decided to give an honest try.

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Icons in Directory Listing

Would you like to see pretty icons in your terminal for directory list ? Then install lsd from here Check this pretty screenshot of lsd --tree In case you are wondering, I’m using nord theme with Alacritty

Tmuxinator: Manage complex tmux sessions easily

After using tmux for a while, I realized that whenever I create new session locally, I end up opening same set of panes. One for work project (Sometimes more than one, but usually one) One for some kind of blog (I have three Hugo projects at this time) One misc. I start this in ~, I use this for running brew commands or standalone python session, or bin/doom sync (which I’ve been doing from inside doom emacs these days, so the last usecase has gone down) Turns out I’m not the only one™️ with such use case.

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Firefox Reader mode in your Terminal

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m trying to move to more text based workflows. On that journey, I came across readable which creates a clean version of a webpage, just like Firefox Reader mode would do. But without Firefox. Which means, you can read cleaner website from your terminal (if you want) Read Firefox Reader mode in your Terminal

Fuzzy Search in fish with fzf

I had installed fzf some time ago. But default key ** for invoking fzf did not work with fzf. Upon searching, I came across couple of options. Of those, I chose the one with active development. As of this writing, the last commit was 11 days ago. Very active, I would say. 😄 Installation instruction said fisher install PatrickF1/ but when tried, I got an error: fisher: unknown flag or command "install" 🤔

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